Day 3 Cleveland
to Canton to Chitown (Three Cs)
We were greeted on the morning of Day 3 with gale force
winds and rain. Welcome to Cleveland:-) So much so, that prior
to departing to Canton for the day to enjoy Day 2’s planned activities, we watched the rain come down sideways
for 10 minutes before attempting to get to the van. Finally, the rain subsided and we were off to the Pro
Football Hall of Fame to meet the Ziarkos.
We did not know what a treat we were in for! In those years, they’ve met almost all of the Hall
of Famers and had lots of great, personal stories to share
throughout the tour that literally brought the Hall to life.
One that stuck with us is the story Papa Ziarko shared of
Hall of Famer Joe DeLamielleure, Class of 2003, who played for the Cleveland
Browns and Buffalo Bills.
Joe DeLamielleure showed up to the HoF on the day of his
induction surrounded by his family and dressed like any other (joe for you
military folks!)
individual in jeans and a t-shirt.
Upon entering the Hall, he was asked by one of the attendants, “How can
we assist you?” He stated that he
was there to be inducted to the Hall and wanted to know where he could pay. The attendant asked his name. He responded, “Joe DeLamielleure.” The
attendants recognized the name (there were only 5 inductees in 2003) and
attempted to usher him and his family into the Hall. Joe still wanted to pay for he and his family. The attendant assured him, “This is
your house…you’ve already paid!’
Such a humble, unpretentious man…this story brought a tear to our eyes!

The 50 year anniversary of the Hall of Fame, 273 inductees
later, this will be some year for attendance in August! The Hall itself was
under many renovations in preparation, yet still, it was extremely
For those who enjoy
the sport, it was truly worth the visit.
Talk about a feeling of accomplishment and pride (without ever even
stepping on the field of play!).
room of golden Busts of each HoF members was a sight to behold along with being
able to see every Super Bowl ring side by side.
It was like being a kid in a candy store…except you don’t
get to take anything home, save a few souvenirs from the gift shop.
But why Canton?
We found out the reasoning behind it all:
it’s where the American Professional Football
Association (now NFL) was founded,
the Canton Bull Dogs (an early pro football
contender) were the first 2 time NFL champ, and
the citizens of Canton launched a strong and
aggressive petition for the Hall to be in their hometown
It demonstrates what a community can accomplish when they band
together for a cause, big or small!
Thanks again Mom and Pop Ziarko! We had a fantastic time and look
forward to the next time we can spend quality time together!!
It was finally time to get back on the road and head out of
Ohio and onto Chicago, but not without some challenges. We had snow forecasted for
Chicago…yes, SNOW in mid April!
But we would travel through rain, hail, sleet and yes, snow (like the US
Post wo/men) to see our Chicago family…Nick, Carol and Baby Alyssa! So off we
Bailey's Perspective
I woke up this morning after approximately 70 hours
of sleep in dog years and……… I was still tired. I don’t know what it
is lately but I guess I need to change my diet or something. I know I
am bit older these days but everybody gets old. J
Not only that, I still manage to maintain a lady like figure, keeping
my weight at about 90 lbs….. 88 lbs on a real good day, when I am not
bloated or retaining water. Perhaps, the Californian, all natural,
organic diet will be good for me. I’m looking forward to it.
after waking up, daddy took me out for my morning walk. As we
approached the rear exit of the hotel, I noticed torrential rain fall
and thought to myself “ummm, does he really think I am going outside in
this? We need to find an alternate option.” But to my dismay, daddy
forced me to go out in the rain and take care of business, which I
quickly did and came back inside. Luckily, mommy had a towel waiting for
me upstairs in the hotel room to dry me off. Mommy loves me….
Daddy….well, not so much this morning for messing up my beautiful coat
and making me smell like a “wet dog”. Who likes that?
a yummy breakfast, we headed into the minivan and drove again. I
guessed that mommy and daddy had an important appointment or something
cuz we drove through heavy rain. Even getting into the car was a
challenge as it was raining “Cats and Cats”. After driving for a short
period, we stopped for a potty break….. potty break for me that is. We
were at a football field of some kind. I don’t care too much about
football. However, I LOVE football Sundays at our house. It means
mommy will make wonderful treats for all and when we have people over, I
get to eat so much human food….and it taste soooo good. Anyhow, mommy
and daddy left me in the car and went into the building for about 14
hours, aka 2 hours human time. When they returned to the car, both of
Aunt Holly’s parents were with them. How nice….. they must have linked
up again to spend some additional QT together. Shortly thereafter, it
was once again time for hugs all around. The hugs were a bit longer
this time, so I knew we would not be coming back here tomorrow. Goodbye
Aunt Holly’s parents and thank you very much for your hospitality.
drove……and this time, it was a long drive. I can’t tell you how long
it was but by the time we got to our destination, I was exhausted. To
my surprise, when we finally stopped, we were at Uncle Nick and Aunt
Carol’s house in Chicago. Yeah….. I haven’t seen them in a long time,
can’t recall how many dog years….so the long trip was so worth it. Then,
I noticed a scent in the house that I’ve never smelled before. It was
definitely a human scent but I could not place it. Am I losing my sense
of smell? I doubt it. I act like I have selective hearing now and
then but my sense of smell is still spot on. A little later, Aunt Carol
carried baby Alyssa (Uncle Nick and Aunt Carol’s daughter) downstairs
and introduce me to her. She was so adorable…. She was the cutest
thing ever. And right then and there, I promised to take care of her
and protect her to the best of my abilities. And I realized why Uncle Nick
and Aunt Carol did not come to visit us in VA….. they were busy
starting their own family.
After eating Chicago’s own, Italian Beef sandwiches, I slept like a champion. Night night……