Thursday, May 9, 2013

Bailey at the Grand Canyon

Day 13 - Morning at Grand Canyon and drive to Vegas

Bailey's Perspective

I woke up in the middle of the night hearing wild animal noises outside.  Was it grandpa’s loud snoring or another one of daddy’s “gas-storm” filled evenings?  Am I just hearing things or am I dreaming?  Reality Check:  We are in the middle of the woods, in a RV park in the middle of America. The truth is, there were wild animals outside of our RV.  I wanted to bark and let them know I was awake but if I did, it would have given away our position.  And who knows what kind of WILD animals were out there.  So, I kept quiet.  Plus, I didn’t want to be rude, wake everyone up and get them fired up in the middle of the night.  I simply waited and the noise eventually faded away.  I exercised sound judgment, excellent control under pressure and quick decision making that resulted in a favorable outcome.  For this achievement, I will be rewarded with an awesome breakfast….. I fell back asleep thinking about how awesome I am.

The morning air was exceptional once again.  After returning from a walk with grandpa, I realized some of the plants that daddy left outside overnight were “trimmed”.  Some of the branches and leaves were on the floor, as if something tried to eat it but spit it out due to unfavorable taste.  So, I was absolutely right…. There were wild animals outside eating our plants.  Hope they got sick and got the BGs, aka Bubbly Guts.  I sometimes get the BGs after eating garlic.  My stomach cannot handle garlic but daddy loves it.  Sometimes, he smells like garlic for days.  He and other humans may not notice but I certainly know when he eats Korean BBQ for dinner.  Is he afraid of Vampires or something….. But I digress……. 

After another wonderful breakfast, a mixture of chopped up beef and a hint of BBQ sauce, we packed our things and started driving again. This time, we stopped and I joined them in a walk around the park. But this was no ordinary park my friends and fellow furry creatures.  As we got closer to the edge of the mountain, there was a rocky cliff that went down for miles.  It was nothing like I’ve ever seen before.  The rocky cliffs even extended out in front of you for miles…..  I was confused…. Were we on top of a mountain looking down? How did we end up here? Why is this mountain so big compares to others we’ve hiked?  If anything fell down, there will be NO survival.  I was a little nervous and kept one eye on the side of the cliff. And I did not venture too far off the beaten path (Dogs know idioms too :-) We took many pictures but I did not smile in any of them.  

How could anyone smile when you are nervous?  I didn’t want to be THAT DOG, who ended up on the cover of the morning papers…. If you know what I mean.  And I kept repeating to myself “Self, do NOT chase birds, squirrels or any other small 4 legged animals while up here.”  I don’t need to have any accidents or incidents…. Safety First!!!!!!  

After taking pictures, we got back into the RV and started driving again…. We left without an incident, maintaining our safety track record due to my diligence.  This drive was long but I sensed the trip might be coming to an end due to grandpa’s apparent excitement.  He was all smiles and even giddy during this drive.  What is going on? Either we are going somewhere he really enjoys or finally, we were close to our final destination….. California.

We pulled into a city filled with tourists, high rises and huge, elaborate hotels.  I wasn’t familiar with this city.  Perhaps, grandpa knew where we were at based on his enthusiasm. We unloaded our bags and to my pleasant surprise, we were checking into a hotel rather than staying at a RV park.  Now, this is what I enjoy….GLAMPING in a 4 star hotel.  IF I had thumbs, I would order room service and receive a 4 paw massage, in the comfort of the hotel room.  But you know that I have a Dewclaw instead of a thumb, hence it makes things challenging.  As we were walking through the lobby, I realized why grandpa was so happy.  We were in Las Vegas.  I’ve never been to Las Vegas before but I saw many movies that were filmed in Vegas like Oceans 77 and Showdogs.  The sound that a slot machine makes is unmistakable….. We were in Sin City baby.  What can I do that will get me in trouble? Public urination? Yup, I can certainly do that since there is not a grassy patch around for miles.  Or something more sinister…. Hummmmm. Let me think about this a bit more…….

We checked into our spacious room with a nice view of Vegas’ main street.  I had plenty of sleep to catch up on, especially in the comfort of a nice hotel room.  So, I slept, dreaming about what I can do to leave my “mark” in Vegas.  Nite nite……

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